My Artwork

Carol's Self-portrait

I've always been able to paint and draw a bit and, as a teenager I loved doing pencil sketches of friends and family. At Christmas I'd make baubles for the tree and cardboard cut-outs such as Santa's head and arms appearing at the bottom of the fireplace. I excelled in my art class at High School and had aspirations then to be a painter, but as time moved on I leaned more and more towards being an artist of a different kind... on the silver screen. Click on an image for a larger version.

Carol's Sculpture

Then years later, when I lived in London I took up art again, going to classes that concentrated on drawing and sculpture. I haven't kept up with the sculpture unfortunately and my last piece was this life-sized bronze head of my then partner, actor Nigel Bennett.

Turkish Delight

More recently, after moving to Brighton, I joined the Dupont Art Club which is part of the Brighton and Hove Arts Council and started regularly attending art classes where I can experiment with all sorts of medium. I've discovered that I work best with acrylic and watercolour paint and pastels. Through Dupont I'm able to exhibit and sell my work at several different locations in and around Brighton. See the Dupont website for more information on this and click on the Gallery Page.

I now live six miles further down the coast in a town that is full of artists, so I have also joined them as part of the Adur Art Collective. I exhibit here too as part of the annual Adur Art Trail. Please visit the Adur Art Collective website and click on my name to see more of my artwork.

I'm painting a lot more now and have recently been invited to exhibit at a Brighton Hotel and at a Brighton Art Gallery. I'm also taking commissions. At this present time, I'm concentrating on Pop Art. Here are two of my most popular pieces...

The Self Portrait at the top of the page is done in the style of Andy Warhol and I am now taking commissions on this too. All I need is a good headshot photograph and I'll transform it for you! For more information, please email me.

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